
Monday, September 17, 2012

iCame, iSaw, iLeft in on the Shelf

       It's all a matter of taste, iSuppose. iJust didn't feel the need to run out of the house and wait on line overnight because the folks at Apple decided it was time to reveal the new and improved member of its little electronic family, iPhone 5.
       You, Frank? Once one of the people other people used to come to at the place you worked begging you to help them make their spotty, brand new tech work like it did on the commercials?
       Yes. Let's first of all realize one small, but important fact. I'm not going to be left so horrifically behind the times because iDidn't rush out to get this latest bauble. If iWanted (BIG if, by the way) to get wrapped up in the world of Apple, I only have to wait a little while before iPhone 6 arrives, a piece of technology which you can damned well be sure is already at least six months in the development channel, sitting next to buddy the new New iPad and the other new and improved buddies in the iTech aisle designed to maintain Apple's position as a highly profitable entity.
       While browsing the aisles at the local "Buy More" electronics shop a few month ago, iHappened on a display of the '4', which was being pored over wide-eyed by this young lady and her family. iWas standing next to my wife and happened to remark to her, in my best smart-ass (I do speak Smart-ass, stewardess, as well as Jive) that the countdown towards iPhone 5 was going to start any day.
       You would have thought iShot Bambi in front of her . . . While telling her Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and leprechauns didn't exist. She was sure there was no way a new phone was going to come out so close to the release of the other one.
       Nice lady. Not a history major. But she knows not of Apple's Way . . . The way of introducing new products which make the old products almost immediately drop in value . . . The way of producing new software and operating systems which don't have upgrades, and instead must be bought as completely new in order to have their 'new, improved, advanced' options made available . . . And heaven help you if you have an older machine, because it probably won't be able to work on one of 'those'. (By the way . . . There have been 3 iPad models, right? . . . Why are they getting ready to release their 6th Operating System?)
       iFinished. See you soon. Same iTime, same iChannel. To be iFair, however . . .                                 

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