
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's the End of the World as We Know it . . . Part 52.

Saturday at 6 PM Eastern Standard Time on May 21st has long since come and gone, along with the end of the world which didn't happen and the general ennui of the public which did once they checked the floor under their feet and found it mostly intact.

We can credit an old preacher by the name of Harold Camping for this particular Chicken Little exercise, but let's be fair . . . It's not the first time the world has failed to end on schedule as interpreted by a man of some cloth (and even more cheek), and hardly the first time the person whose been wrong came up with an excuse. What ticks me off grandly is the one he's chosen.

This one's a beauty. While we were waiting, we've all been judged silently. Which means the judgement part of our final exam is over, but the death, destruction, earthquakes and other stuff he warned us about will happen during the next end of the world on October 21st. In essence, without so much as blinking, he's told us "Oops, did I say May? I meant October . . . Let's just reschedule."

I'm here to tell you exactly what my perception of the problem is, ladies and gentlemen, and you're welcome to comment as you please, agree and disagree, visit the advertisers and stay for a while to give me a piece of your mind. Just not too much of a piece, especially since that's the problem in the first place.

As a species we can conceive of the idea of God, listen to the words we've had attributed to his prophets and believe that following the varied good laws of life handed down through the ages will bring us the rewards outlined in each of the many religions that have been created as a delivery system for those laws . . . But we're too stupid to understand the word of God.

The IQ just isn't there yet, fellow travelers, and we're not just stupid, but as deaf as a bag of bricks at the bottom of the sea. The fact we don't know this is the problem. We feign knowledge of the grand design and ultimate plan while we muck around here on our pretty little blue planet, fighting over who's right making interpretations two people of the same religion on different sides of the planet couldn't completely agree on under penalty of death. Some of the most brilliant minds on the planet can believe in multiple dimensions of time and space and don't believe one of them could be heaven. There are times you wonder who could blame them as there are inconsistencies to every last argument we advance on either side of the story, and if we can't get past that, how do we expect a being who can encapsulate the entire cosmos in his mind (or hers, to be fair to those who believe in a Great Mother) to do anything less than shake the head containing said mind when we try to get a grip on things and miss not only badly, but with such great certainty that we were right in the first place. Seeing us, I have faith there's a greater intelligence to the universe. The thought we're anywhere near the apex of thought is just too damned depressing to deal with.

Let's even consider the value in limiting things for a second. I want you to imagine it's last Saturday at God Inc. when the Earth's divisional head goes running through the halls of heaven to check Godsoft Outlook and see if he's got an End-of-the-World event scheduled for 6PM EST.

"6PM Eastern Standard . . . Midnight in Jerusalem? On Sunday I'm supposed to destroy a planet? Apocalypse? Now?"

So the world will end someday. So what? Nothing is forever except forever. I get that. I'm not going to even hazard a guess as to when it'll happen, but I surely hope we've matured enough as a people by that time to not make such a damnable mess of the run-up to the event.

An old saying goes "Take care of the little things, and the big things will take care of themselves." I suggest we take it to heart, keep our little hamster cage Earth nice and clean and take care of ourselves and our neighbors without worrying about things like Judgement Day which are best left in more capable hands.

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