
Monday, April 18, 2011

Earth - I Live Here (I Just Can't Believe What I'm Seeing)

Reality to Earth . . . Come in Earth . . . We've lost contact with you.

Or Visa Versa. As we sit here on our little blue rock, it seems things have gotten stretched out of proportion a bit. Everything that doesn't seem content to merely leave you shaking your head seems determined to lop it off at the shoulders. It's lovely April 18th here in the over-sized amusement park we call United States-Land, and many of us are being amused by both the IRS and our state and local government bureaus of taxation.

Today's most amusing note comes from the commissioner of the IRS, who advises us in a letter on the second page of the instructions for the 1040 form of how hard they work to make the process of filing taxes as quick and easy as possible.

This is stated, by the way, on page two of one hundred ninety two, which you need to fill out a two page form (Slightly more than two with schedules attached). No less than three years ago, the same book weighed in at a relatively svelte ninety-two. They used to mail it out not so long ago, back when it was under seventy. Now you have to find it on-line and exhaust toner cartridges in order to have your own copy.

Simple and tax is a combination which is not now, nor has it ever has been, an option, short of having a large gentleman grab you by the heels and shake vigorously until your debt is satisfied. Going through the process as it currently stands makes that seem like a plan.

This is the first and last time I'll talk about taxes, but on this date it's a good place to start a blog on the things in our lives which strain belief.

Let the games begin.

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